Andy Warhol “Vse barve pop-a”
V počastitev letošnje 95 letnice rojstva Andyja Warhola, zvezde popa in še vedno izjemno zanimivega umetnika za vse generacije, razstavljamo originalna dela iz njegovih štirih manj znanih, a zelo pomembnih projektov: Ladies and Gentlemen, Space Fruit, Flowers in Speedskater, ki je bil izveden za projekt OI Sarajevo 84, v naši založbi. Prvič so nekatera od razstavljenih del tudi na prodaj.
Vljudno vabljeni v razstavne prostore galerije Visconti Fine Art
v Ljubljani na Mestnem trgu 18/1. nad.
Razstava je odprta od srede do petke od 16h do 19h, in po dogovoru.
Andy Warhol “All colours of Pop-Art”
In honor of this year’s 95th anniversary of the birth of Andy Warhol, the star of Pop-Art and still an extremely interesting artist for all generations, we are exhibiting original works from his four maybe less-known but veryinteresting projects: Ladies and Gentlemen, Space Fruit, Flowers and Speedskater, which was created for the art project in honour of the Sarajevo Olympic Winter Games 84, and published by our gallery. For the first time some of the exhibited works are available for purchase.
You are kindly invited to join us at the gallery Visconti Fine Art
in Ljubljana, Mestni trg 18/1st floor.
The exhibition is open from Wednesday to Friday from 4pm to 7pm and by appointment