Govornik. Original color silkscreen, unknown year. Edition of 250 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper.
Jože Ciuha was a Slovenian painter, but he also wrote poetry and other writings. Ciuha worked with different medias like a watercolor, drawing, graphic, illustration, mosaic and tapestry. His work has been exhibited in several major international art institutions, many galleries, public buildings and numerous private collections. He had traveled a lot (Western Europe, South and North America and wider) and during his journey he was influenced by many cultures. He has studied Buddhist art and philosophy, but the biggest influence we can see in his artworks is from the Byzantine art, reflected in Eastern letters and a rhythmic string of figures on the golden background. Much of his artwork contains irony and criticism of human mistakes and deficiency which he depict in the form of animals or a grotesque interpretation of the human figure. This is an image with big black anthropomorphic forms with big open palms and big black heat and cloak. The head of this orator, as the name said, is made of unusual geometric ornaments.