Untitled 929


Untitled. Original color lithograph, unknown year. Edition of 100 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper.

  • Artist: Andre Lanskoy
  • Year: unknown
  • Edition size: Edition 100
  • Dimensions: 94 x 66 cm


Untitled. Original color lithograph, unknown year. Edition of 100 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper.
André Lanskoy was contemporary painter and printmaker born in Russia. He lived and worked in France and he is associated with the School of Paris and Tachisme. His figurative pictures inspired by Van Gogh, Matisse and Soutine, from his early period, turned into abstract expressions and he became one of the most important exponents of “lyric abstraction” within the “École de Paris”. Lanskoy researched the interaction of forms and colors and we can see here that those imitations of textures on the shapes on this flat violet calm background make an illusion of relief structures on this flat surface.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 100 × 10 cm

Andre Lanskoy