Art and Sport “Olympic Games Sarajevo 1984” & “Tennis Zurich 1990” Open from Wednesday to Friday from 4pm to 7pm. And by appointment. Po obdoju grške umetnosti je bilo precej redko,da bi umetniki za svoj likovni motiv izbrali šport kot svojo slikarsko temo ali navdih. Ob izvedbi zamisli za grafično mapo Zimskih OI Sarajevo 84 […]
All exhibitions organised by Visconti Fine Art
Andy Warhol “All colours of Pop-Art” opening from 23.10.2023
Andy Warhol “Vse barve pop-a” V počastitev letošnje 95 letnice rojstva Andyja Warhola, zvezde popa in še vedno izjemno zanimivega umetnika za vse generacije, razstavljamo originalna dela iz njegovih štirih manj znanih, a zelo pomembnih projektov: Ladies and Gentlemen, Space Fruit, Flowers in Speedskater, ki je bil izveden za projekt OI Sarajevo 84, v naši […]
Wang Xin & Zoran Mušič “Panta Rei”
The enigma of our being, our existence, the meaning of life and the great mystery of death has been an eternal philosophical question across all cultures and religions. There are countless explanations and views, and not only in philosophical and religious treatises; unique and diverse answers and interpretations can also be found throughout centuries of […]
Ivan Rabuzin Wonderful World
Ivan Razbuzin “Wonderful World” New Year’s exhibition is now on view throughout December 2022, entrance is freeVisconti Fine Art, Mestni Trg 18/1st floor, Ljubljana. The exhibition will be open until end of January 2023. On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birth last year, we organized and prepared a more extensive exhibition of […]
Animals-Myth, symbol and motif in art
New exhibition in our gallery space in old town Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since the very beginning of artistic creation, animal imagery has held an important position in artistic expression and creativity. Throughout the history of art we find depictions of animals by artists, who either painted them as a difficult artistic challenge and motif, or presented […]
Čoro Škodlar: Forms of Light – retrospective exhibition of paintings and drawings from prison
Retrospective exhibition of selected paintings, mostly oil on canvas as well as drawings from prison, by the restoration specialist and journalist Čoro Škodlar. The exhibition will showcase selected works by this not well enough known, but extremely interesting artist, with an astonishing life story. His works mainly depict landscapes, still life, portraits and self-portraits. His […]
Andy Warhol in Niš, Serbia.
In collaboration with the city of Niš in Serbia, Gallery of Contemporary Art Niš and Central European Cultral Centre Novi Sad, the general public will be able to enjoy an exhibition comprising of 50 works of art by the famous American Pop artists Andy Warhol. Since opening on the 8th of Ocotber the exhibition has […]
Čoro Škodlar “Forms of light” Summer 2020
A retrospective selection of paintings by Čoro Škodlar will shine a light on this particularly interesting artist to the Slovenian public. On this occasion a catalogue of his artistic creation and personality will be presented, accompanied by studious texts by Miklavž Komelj and Ciril Horjak. The opening of the exhibition Čoro Škodlar “Forms of light” […]
“Classical / Modern” December 2019-March 2020
You are kindly invited to attend the opening of the New Year’s exhibition “Classical / Modern” on 16th of December at 7p.m. at Visconti Fine Art, Mestni Trg 18/1st floor, Ljubljana. The exhibition will be open until end of March 2020. We are proud to present, for the first time in our gallery, an important […]
Vladimir Veličkovic RTS SLO1 tv insert
Thank you to Slovenia 1 television programme for making a short tv insert on the exhibition in memory of the great Serbian/French painter Vladimir Veličković. Video copyright by RTV SLO1.