Andy Warhol “All colours of Pop-Art” opening from 23.10.2023


Andy Warhol “Vse barve pop-a” V počastitev letošnje 95 letnice rojstva Andyja Warhola, zvezde popa in še vedno izjemno zanimivega umetnika za vse generacije, razstavljamo originalna dela iz njegovih štirih manj znanih, a zelo pomembnih projektov: Ladies and Gentlemen, Space Fruit, Flowers in Speedskater, ki je bil izveden za projekt OI Sarajevo 84, v naši […]

Wang Xin & Zoran Mušič “Panta Rei”

The enigma of our being, our existence, the meaning of life and the great mystery of death has been an eternal philosophical question across all cultures and religions. There are countless explanations and views, and not only in philosophical and religious treatises; unique and diverse answers and interpretations can also be found throughout centuries of […]